We have resume our overseas members invitation to Japan by easing of the Covid-19. This time, Dirga, the engineer team leader, came to Sendai. It is the first time for him to go abroad and take an airplane. We hope he can get a great experience and enjoy his stay in Japan.

His wife drives him to the office in Bali and his lovely daughter often comes with her so I can have some opportunities to talk with her. I had an impression that her English is so good even though she is still 9 years old.
I talked with Dirga about the English education for her. I wondered if she goes to an expensive international school but actually not, she learned only 10% from school and the rest 90% with YouTube.
どんなYouTubeか教えてもらった。お絵かきやサイエンスに関して楽しんで観れるチャンネル(Ryan’s World: https://www.youtube.com/c/RyanToysReview)だ。
He told me the YouTube channel(Ryan’s World: https://www.youtube.com/c/RyanToysReview) which you can enjoy and learn toys, drawing and science.
What was even more shocking me was his daughter and the cousin video which they speak English while playing. I asked Dirga “You told them to speak English for play?”. The answer was “No, they leaned the playing from YouTube so she knows more words and phrase in English than native language”.
Some of our company members have children, so I hope they talk with Dirga and ask how her daughter learned English.
We will see more and more of children who speak native level English speakers and become to working age in the next 5 – 10 years. The skill of English speaking can not be an advantage as engineer any more but not being able to speak English must definitely be a big disadvantage.
The technology like internet has drastically changed education. It is quite important to keep seeking the best way by getting the latest information of technology. It is fun to create a diverse community because we can get always new inspirations.