今日はウルワツに入っていたら、たまたまKenさんに会ってそのままKenさん夫婦のBukit Sausageへ
I met Ken san at Uluwatu surfing then got a dinner at Bukit Sausage by Ken and AI san.
KenさんはウルワツローカルのBig Waver。Kenさんのサーフィンはかっこいい。僕の憧れのサーファーだ。
He is a Uluwatu local big wave surfer, his style is so cool. I want to surf like him in some day.

We have a good relationship and he taught me everything about the surfing. He is the master of tide, wind, swell and wave, I learned a lot about surfing from him. Though he looks gang but he has accurate mind for wave, he is a Dual personality. I have to be away from him specially when big swell comes because he force me to go a big wave, “Yama YOU MUST GO!!!!!”, he says. It is easy for me to die with him on pumping swell.

Bukit Sausageもコロナで観光客が0になり大変だったと思う。素敵なAIさんと共に、最高にうまいソーセージをお店で提供するだけでなく、「バリ島で安心安全な食づくりによる養護施設支援と雇用促進の拡大」(https://readyfor.jp/projects/bukitsausage)を目指したプロジェクトにも挑戦している。素晴らしい活動であり、日本を出てアウェーで挑戦する姿勢をいつも見習わせてもらっている。
The covid made their business so hard, no sightseeing people more than 2 years. AI san and Ken san provides so nice organic sausage but do a social project “Support child care institution people by producing organize foods(https://readyfor.jp/projects/bukitsausage)”

Kenさんのおかげで入れる波の大きさが上がったのは間違いない。僕も人の命を脅かさずにレベルアップをプッシュできるような人になりたい。「You, ゴーゴーだよ!」
Ken san gave me a lot, I could go surf now for a bigger wave. I must be a person who pushes the other’s possibility without life-threatening. Go Big! Bro!