We moved the bali office this year. I proposed to Ida(Managing Director in Indonesia), “Let’s move to an awesome villa!” but he declined with cold voice “No, Yama too early.” The current new office has 5 rooms and enough space for work, then guests can stay. I remembered just now the oldest office that does not have toilet sheet, “start up hungry office”.
We got many times power outage at the first office then we took desktop pc and rushed to an internet cafe with bikes. The below image is the first picture of us in Indonesia. The shirts is a present from members, the name is “batik” famous in Yogyakarta and we can show “I am a strong gang”.

The room which I stay in the office is also renewed. My bed is now so cute and gives me a strong motivation for the work. Great job. The members in Indonesia know my preference very well. The motivation control is one of the most important in a team.

Plumeria welcomes to you at the garden.

バリでは素敵な夕焼けを見て、Bintang(インドネシアビール)を飲みながら仕事をすることもできる。世界で遊べる戦えるプロフェッショナルを目指したい貴方。こちらから応募を待ってますよ(https://grune.co.jp/recruit/ )
You can work in Bali with a beautiful sunset drinking Bintang. Join us just do it. (https://grune.co.jp/recruit/ )