Brunoと一緒にGruneを創業した。彼はスペイン人で、僕の前職であるスイスのSTAR Group(https://star-group.net)という会社の取締役であり、元上司だ。僕が東京支社で働いていた24歳のときに突然スイスから日本へと送り込まれた。彼の強烈なパワーに圧倒された僕は、赴任から一週間後に、彼の隣に席を引っ越し、「今日から彼と一緒に彼の部署で働く」と勝手に宣言した。当然いろいろな反発を受けたが、当時の部署内では自分の売上がすでにトップであり、Brunoからシステムのことを学びたい、仕事をすべて英語でしたい、という強烈なWantで押し切った。
Bruno is a Spanish guy and founded Grune with me. He is a board member of STAR Group(https://star-group.net) and the boss in my previous company. He came to the Tokyo office from the Swiss headquarter when I was 24 years old. His power was so impressive that I moved my desk next to him and declared “I will work with him, already decided.” I got a lot of complain but I made the top sales figure already and had a strong mind that I want to learn about system development with English then finally the company accepted.
I learned a lot of things from him not only system development but also the way of proposals for customer and correct manners with them. It is so important to have knowledges about arts, history, religious and politics, then have own opinion. He has many experience about high end customer relationship like LOUIS VUITTON、LOUIS VUITTON, TAG Heuer, BMW, Daimler and so on.
After 4 years working with Bruno, he gave me a big chance suddenly, “Yama, you wanna go to German?”. It is not easy to get an opportunity to join a development team in German, even without surfing. I left Japan in one month. Less experienced people must be always up for it.
The all development members in Germany come from world wide can speak German. All meetings and lunches are always with German. Nobody from Japan had come to European branches so all people there think “Who is this guy? he can’t speak German, less experience, who takes care of this fool?”

Before work and after work, I learned German everyday and members began to accept me. I went to a president meeting in Swiss and made a presentation for new business with German. I pretended to speak German but actually can not, I remembered all phrase before the presentation. At last my contract was extended and got the jobs from Europe after back to Japan. If a person pretends to be able to do it, finally he can become to do it. Just do it, man.

ドイツでの仕事が終わったとき、開発者として一人前になり、語学力も上がり、報酬も倍になった。海外どこでも暮らせる自信がついて無敵感を味わった。BrunoからもらったGiveはとてつもなくでかい。日本に帰るときにBrunoに聞いた、「お前からもらったこのGiveをどうやって返したらいい?」。彼の返事は「次の若い世代につないでいけ」。超クール。これが僕の残りの人生の使命の一つになった。この使命を実現するために僕はGruneを立ち上げた。世界で遊んで戦えるエンジニアを育てる。それらをさらに次の世代に渡せるリーダーを作る。「Give and Take」という言葉は好きじゃない。「Take」するつもりなら、それは「Give」でなく、「Invest」だろ。世界を良くするためには「Give and Forward」のほうがかっこいい。
After finish the project in German, I became a professional as developer with language skill and higher salary. I found out I can survive anywhere worldwide now. The “Give” from Bruno is awesome. When I back to Japan I asked him “How should I give it back to you?”, he said “Forward it to young people”. So cool. That became a mission in my life and founded Grune. Grune makes professionals and leaders who can enjoy worldwide and forward it to next generations. I do not like a word “Give and Take”. If you will take, it is “Invest” not “Give”. “Give and Forward” is much better.