– 「Gruneの人事評価について教えて下さい」
– 「自分のやりたいプロジェクトに参画できるのでしょうか?」
The following two are the most frequent questions on interviewing engineers
– What is Grune’s engineer evaluation system?
– Can I work on the projects I want?
Want: 自分のやりたいこと
Can: 自分ができること
Need: 社会、会社が求めていること
First, when considering your career as an engineer, please be aware of “Want”, “Can”, and “Need”.
Want: What you want to do
Can: What you are able to do
Need: What society and the company want

These items overlap each other.

「Want」であって「Can」になっていない: ①これはまだただの願望だ。自分がやりたいことなら頑張ってさっさと「Can」に持っていこう。つべこべ言っている暇はない。
“Want” but not “Can”: ① This is still just a desire. If it is something you want to do, do your best to make it a “Can” soon, no excuses.

「Want」と「Can」が重なっている: ②。やりたくて、かつ、できること。ただし、ここに留まってしまってはもったいない。「Need」が重ならなければただの趣味だ。社会、会社が求めている「Need」をチェックして、③に持っていこう。③に持っていければゲームセットだ。やりたくて、それを実現する能力があり、社会からも求められている。マリオで言うとスター状態。報酬はバンバン上がるはずだ。“Want” and “Can” overlap: ②. This is what you want and can do. However, if “Need” does not overlap, it is just a hobby. Check the “Need” that society and the company are looking for and change it to ③. If you can achieve ③, great job done. You want to do it, you have the ability to do it, and society is looking for you. You are the Mario with Star, invincible.
“Need” determines the salary. Grune lists what is required for each role, and includes reference books and references web. The company bought the reference books and freely available for members. Members sets semiannual goals for each item, conducts self-evaluations of the degree of achievement, boss makes evaluations, and then assesses salary. Since these “Need” are constantly changing, the organization must always check the trends and disclose them to its members.
GruneのNeedのサンプル(一部のみ掲載: クリックで拡大)
The sample list of Grune Need: Click to open an enlarge image

仙台のIT企業GruneではWantを大事にする。僕がエンジニア出身ということもあり、やりたい仕事をやれるときのエンジニアの圧倒的なパフォーマンスを信じているからだ。僕がプログラミングの勉強をし始めて少し経った頃にiPhoneが出た。その時の衝撃は大きかった。ジョブス神降臨。アプリ開発に没頭しまくって、最高に楽しかった。と同時に、いかにこの楽しい事を仕事にするかを考えて、会社や顧客にプレゼンしまくった。Google Glassが出たときも同様だった。
Grune, an IT company in Sendai, consider “Want” as important factor. This is because I was a engineer and I believe the great performance of engineers when they are able to do the work they want. iPhone came out after I started studying programming. It was a big shock at the time. Great Steve Jobs. I was immersed in iOS development. At the same time, I tried to make a business by presenting it to the company and clients. Same as Google Glasses.
Of course, as an organization, it is difficult to do only what you want to do. However engineers show great performance, when Want, Can, and Need are combined.
For this reason, I ask members always to share what they want to do and what they can. I consider always what member wants to do. “Oh, I remember that person said he wants to work on this technology, and although the profitability may be not good but I can trust the desire.
こちらの記事(仙台のIT企業Gruneの目指すもの: The goal of Grune)にも書いたが、Gruneでは「報酬」を非常に重要に捉える。「報酬」というのは「組織を通じ、その人がどれだけの価値を生み出し、社会に貢献した尺度である」だ。より大きな価値を生み、貢献し、より高い報酬を得て、税金を払うことにより、社会に貢献するということは社会的な正義なのである。
I wrote the same topic in this article(The goal of Grune), at Grune, “reward” is important. Some people may not have a good image of money, but Grune regards “reward” as “a measure of how much value a person has created and contributed to society through the organization. It is definitely a justice to create greater value, contribute more, earn higher compensation, and pay taxes.
From this year, the assessment will only be up or down. This is because we want to work with people who are always looking for growth. There are only two types of human beings: growth and degeneration. Unchanging means Degeneration. This year has just begun, and I strive to grow more than any of the other members.