I talk with a new candidate to join always. One candidate asked me “Why does Grune educate members so much even it is a big cost?”. Great question. The member can buy books as company cost and attend a weekly English conversation class. Grune encourages non-Japanese members to join and supports the growth of members skills with many ways. The reason why Grune is committed to education is as follows.
- 共同創業者Brunoからの使命。世界で遊んで戦えるエンジニアになるための機会を若いメンバーに提供する
The mission from the co-founder Bruno. Grune provides an opportunity to members which makes them to become a person who can enjoy and work world-wide.
前に共同業者であるBrunoの記事(https://grune.co.jp/blog/bruno/)の中でも書いたが、僕は世界で遊んで戦えるようになった機会をBrunoから頂いた。彼にどう恩返しをしたら良いのか尋ねたときに返ってきた答えが、「Yama, Give the same chance to young members」だった。「Give and Take」ではなく、「Give and Forward」。これを僕は残りの人生で実現する。
As in a previous article(https://grune.co.jp/blog/bruno/), Bruno gave me an opportunity to become a world level engineer and a mission “Yama, Give the same chance to young members”. Not “Give and Take” but “Give and Forward”. I will achieve it with my life. - 会社としての勝つための必然性: Requirement to win
優秀な仲間と事業をやることは現在のIT業界において、最も重要なKSF(Key Success Factor)だからだ。IT業界では巨大な工場設備などの資産は不要だ。イケてる仲間とプロジェクトをやれば必ず成功する。イケてる仲間と事業を創るのは単純に最高に楽しい。
It is the KSF(Key Success Factor) to get excellent members for win in the current IT industry. We do not need any big factory facilities and are sure to make success if we work with excellent members. It is also just fun to create a new business. - 個人の楽しみ: Fun for me
It is an instinct of human being to feel happiness to grow an immature person and watch over the growth. I did not know it when I started the business but finally found out that I have the instinct. I am 40 years old but no kids. One member is a social withdrawal and another spent until 20 years old only doing nurse of his mother. After join Grune, they manage members overseas, grow up and begin to feel “Life is beautiful”. I am about to tear to hear these things. These members become definitely different appearance from before. I feel just happiness to see this progress and it worth to found Grune.
I will tell in recruitment interview “Grune invests a lot of time and money for training so we do not work together with a person who does not have strong motivation.” It is a quite fun to work with professional.