彼の名前は”IDA BAGUS HENDRA PRASTIAWAN”。通称「イダ」。このメガネとタートルネックをみてもらえば分かると思うが、「インテリ」だ。インテリオブインドネシアとは彼のことだ。
His name is “IDA BAGUS HENDRA PRASTIAWAN”. We call him “Ida”. As you see his cool glasses and turtleneck, he is an intelligent guy, “The intelligent of Indonesia”.
We met around 6 years ago. Reza gave me an Indonesian language lesson before but he joined as engineer so Ida took over the lesson.
Ida was in a master degree in Tohoku University at that time. We enjoyed mountain hikings together at Zao and Kurikoma mountain. It is me that gave him the first orgasm at a Japanese sauna with extreme cold water. After that experience he is totally absorbed in the feeling.
The time he was nearly finishing his doctor course, he muttered to himself, “He wanna go back to Bali because of his girl friend however no chance for nice job there.” It wouldn’t surprise me that companies in Bali do not need a guy who has a master degree in material science in Tohoku Uni. “OK so you can try IT development if you are good you can set up a office in Bali, just do it”, I told him. He started with html and showed a great performance, he proved the fast and smart guy by himself who comes from the top university in Indonesia and came to Japan with a full scholarship by government. Just after graduated, he set up a office, recruit, training and management, in an instant, the number of member in Bali became more than Yogyakarta office. He leads the 25 members in Bali perfectly, that is, the cool glasses smart guy.
I can not visit Indonesia more than 2 years, only remote management. Without Ida, the company does not work. It is awesome to do projects together with high skill people, I appreciate it. Following his great performance, the income of him was also increased. Grune pays for the performance regardless of a race, gendar, religion and ages. F*ck the traditional Japanese seniority system.

Now he bought a nice car and enjoy the life. He has still worried about driving a big car so his father is still his driver. Why you got a big one. Just do it, Ida, the macho man can drive a big car.