Good news. Yogi begins to perform as Shisha Creator now after one year to join from Programmer to SE. He is still learning so still not allowed to touch a Shisha device and a flavor.
He has to learn how to fire coals, very basic but important process, turn up then just watching the coals become in red.

Only Luquman who is a Senior Shisha Creator(SSC) can work on a flavor. He never allow any compromise for programming and flavor. He is a great leader and always take care of his appearance matching to Shisha.

本日のフレーバーはこちら。”COBRA VIRGIN”。マストビーオーサム
Today’s flavor is this, “COBRA VIRGIN”, must be awesome.

At last, the boss Ida checks and said “OK, Yogi”. Yogi was trembling with worry until Ida’s words but got the confidence this time. I am so happy to see the growth of young members. It is totally important for young members to challenges then get successful experience. The process decides if their life will be great or not. New challenge, get success and enjoy the process, then more rewards, again new challenge. “Oh I can do it.” This process makes a big difference later. Leaders has the strong responsibility to give this opportunity to young members. To take care of young members, it means, take responsible for their “precious time”, their “precious time” means their “life” itself. Grune is committed to give the opportunity to young members.