こんにちは、仙台オフィス マネージャーの本間です!
Hello, I am Honma, the manager of the Sendai office!
In this article, I’d like to introduce the charm of Bali and overseas business trips that I felt during my first three-week stay at the Bali office in March this year!
This Bali business trip blog is a series of three articles. This article is the last in the series. If you haven’t read the previous two articles, please check them out!
目次 – Table of Contents
バリでの衝撃の数々 – Various surprises in Bali
During my stay in Bali, the members of the Bali office would pick me up and drop me off at the hotel by a motorcycle every day.
The first thing that surprised me in Bali was the overwhelming traffic of numerous scooters and motorcycles.

The volume and presence of motorcycle traffic was something unthinkable in Japan. I can’t count how many times I thought I was going to have an accident…
Yet, it’s strange that I didn’t witness a single accident during my stay in Bali. Being accustomed to Japanese traffic rules, I was so wonder.
On the contrary, I was actually impressed with how everyone drove with consideration for their surroundings.
Next time, I want to get my license and try driving a motorcycle myself!
バリの年に一度のお祭り – Once a year festival in Bali!

I went to see a festival held the day before Nyupi that is the day of silence in Bali with Mavin who is an engineer from the Bali office.
Nyupiとは – What is Nyupi?
Nyupi is a special day in the Balinese Hindu calendar, commonly referred to as the “Day of Silence”. On this day, the entire island of Bali observes 24 hours of silence.
There are strict rules on this day: one must stay inside, not use fire or electricity, refrain from working, and not go outside. The purpose of this day is to ward off evil spirits and to purify and meditate in preparation for the new year. Even tourists are required to stay within their hotel premises on this day.
On the day of Nyupi, even traffic lights didn’t operate, and the entire town was truly silent.
Fortunately, since the hotel I stayed in catered to tourists, I could spend the day as usual within the hotel.
If I had stayed at a more local hotel, I might have been forced into a day of digital detox, maybe.
This was also part of Balinese culture that I can not experience in Japan.
Ogoh-Ogoh refers to the giant figures or statues that are the stars of the traditional parade and festival held on the eve of Nyupi. These figures symbolize evil spirits and demons, and local youths spend months handcrafting them. On the eve of Nyupi, these Ogoh-Ogoh are paraded through the town by youths. In the end, they are either burned or cast into a river to drive away the evil spirits and demons. This festival is meant to cleanse and welcome the new year without any malevolent influences.
According to Ida, who once lived in Sendai, this Ogoh-Ogoh is like the Nebuta floats of Aomori in Japan.

On the day before Nyupi, I went with Mavin to see the Ogoh-Ogoh.
There were so many people gathered, it was breathtaking. It felt just like a music festival…

私は、NyupiやOgoh Ogohについてほとんど知らなかったので、Mavinにたくさん教えてもらいながら、楽しく過ごしました。
I didn’t know much about Nyupi and Ogoh Ogoh, so I had a great time as Mavin taught me a lot about them.
The sight of the large figures being carried by so many people and they were pushing their way through the crowds. It was so amazing!
By the way, I ate bakso at a local food stall. Because of that, I got stomachache the next day. Everyone, please be very careful with local food…

自分の当たり前を覆す – Challenging What I Took for Granted
I had the exprerience that seeing the beautiful beaches, seeing the heavy traffic, and even the small local restaurant where I upset my stomach. There were
all new experiences that challenged my norms.
I have been born and raised in Japan and never having gone abroad, all of these experiences were very stimulating and interesting to me.
You can probably find information online, but feeling the atmosphere and experiencing it firsthand is invaluable. I
also felt that talking with the locals has even more value.
I was able to have conversations with not only local members but also people who just happened to be there.
Everyone was very friendly and shared many things with me.
Most impressive thing is, all the people I talked to locally seemed to have pride in being Asian.
For example, they’d say things like “I prefer local food over vegan food for tourists. That’s what I like”. Rather than catering to tourists or going with the current trends, I thought they were cool for loving the environment they grew up in and confidently sharing it with others.
People grew up surrounded by Japanese people, one might seldom talk about “taking pride in one’s culture.” This might be because everyone has grown up in more or less the same cultural background. Additionally, the culture of reading the room in Japan might lead to less direct expression of opinions.
This time, interacting with people from different cultures made me feel that “taking pride in the culture of where you were born and raised” is one of the basic preparations for interacting with different cultures. It all starts with understanding your cultural background.
I want to know more about Bali, the people who live there, and the visitors by communicating more. The next time I visit Bali, I want to go to more places and talk to more people.
新しい経験によって得られること – What can be gained through new experiences
You know Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
Chat GPTを始めとした生成系AIの台頭は、多くのビジネスに大きな変化をもたらすことでしょう。
The rise of generative AI, such as Chat GPT, will bring about major changes to many businesses.
In order for us to apply ourselves to these changes, we first need to have a mindset that is not afraid of change.
What is necessary to cultivate this mindset is to repeatedly experience things that overturn one’s common sense.
One of the best ways to have an experience that overturns your common sense is to go to a place you have never been before and communicate with the local people.
If you think that your common sense will work for them, you may end up hurting them in unexpected ways, and this can lead to unexpected problems. In the case of work, it can also cause a project to go awry.
If you want to have a new experience, I felt that going abroad is one of the better options. And if it is not just a trip abroad, and going to meet the people I usually work with, I believe it will be gain more insight. And I believe it will be an experience that will help you grow a lot.
People raised in different environments can gain new perspectives by trying to understand each other’s cultures.
This business trip was a valuable experience for me. I want to visit Bali again to understand more a lot of things and work in various other countries and people to gain even more experiences.
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