Hey there! I’m Dirga, an engineer from Bali, Indonesia. Last October, I had the chance to spend three weeks in Japan to work closely with the Grune team members there. I’ve already shared my experience of working in the Japan office, and now I want to tell you about my trip to Yamadera, a famous temple in Yamagata Prefecture.
If you’re curious about the first part, please check it out here!

秋晴れが心地よいとある休日、チームメイトの本間さんと小浜さんが山寺への観光旅行に連れて行ってくれました。すごくワクワクしたけど、1000段の階段を登ることができるか、ちょっと…いやかなり不安が。(笑) しかし、そんな不安を吹き飛ばしたのが道中の紅葉の美しさ!黄色、橙、朱色、赤…様々な色の葉っぱたちが魅せる美しさに目を奪われました。「紅葉」と呼ばれる美しい秋の葉っぱの移り変わりは、毎年たった2週間ぐらいしか見れないものだと、小浜さんが教えてくれました。紅葉が見られるタイミングで出張に来ることができて僕はスーパーラッキー!
On a beautiful autumn day, my teammates Honma-san and Kohama-san planned a sightseeing trip to Yamadera for me.I was very excited, but I was also a little… no, quite worried about whether I could climb the 1,000 steps of the temple. However, the beauty of the autumn leaves on the way blew away such anxiety! Yellow, orange, vermillion, red…I was captivated by the beauty of the leaves in various colors. Kohama-san told me that the beautiful transition of autumn leaves, called “Koyo”, can be seen for only about two weeks each year. I was extremely lucky that I was able to come on a business trip at the time when I could see the autumn leaves!

Upon arriving at Yamadera, we first went to a shrine at the foot of the mountain, where Honma-san taught me the correct way to worship. Our goal was at the top of the 1,000 steps! We were fully motivated! But the next moment, we were caught in an unexpected shower and had to wait for a while. After waiting for a few minutes… the weather improved, so finally, we were off to Yamadera! On the way up, Honma-san told me an interesting story, “Long ago, Japanese people believed that the long staircase led to heaven and climbed it with this belief.”

While climbing the long, long stairs, we passed several old Japanese buildings, scenic cliffs, numerous old tombstones, and the famous Yamadera huts. The scenery and atmosphere were breathtakingly beautiful, and it was an unreal experience to see everything up close.

Finally, after taking many breaks, we reached the top. The mountains in the distance, the towns, the station, and the autumn leaves… The view of the Yamagata area from the top was truly wonderful. Soaked in sweat and with shaky knees, I took many photos and videos to look back on fondly later! After that, we spent about an hour leisurely at the summit, and then started the other battle – the descent.

Did you know that descending is as tough, if not tougher, than climbing!? By the time we reached the foot of the mountain, my knees were shaking, my stomach was growling, and I was dehydrated. The three of us stumbled into a nearby soba noodle shop. The tempura soba we ate while gazing at the wonderful riverside view was just the best! The exquisite soba was the perfect meal to end our adventure. I hope to return to Yamadera someday and relive that moving experience.