© 2024 Grune inc.


取締役 Managing Director

伴 明彦Akihiko Ban

取締役 Managing Director

京都府京都市出身。新規事業の立ち上げと運用を担当。 2006年自社webサービスを提供する株式会社Mfroに入社、2017年同社取締役に就任。入社以降一貫して新規事業(自社サービス)の開拓を行いつつ各職種(インフラ / 開発エンジニア、サービス企画・開発、ソリューション営業)を経験。 2019年9月Mfro取締役を退任しGrune取締役就任。 東京都立大学(現・首都大学東京)大学院工学部応用化学科修了
Originally from Kyoto, Japan, I have a strong track record in successfully launching and managing new businesses. In 2006, I joined Mfro, Inc., an organization specializing in web services, and assumed the role of Director in 2017. Throughout my tenure at Mfro, I have held diverse positions such as infrastructure/development engineer, service planning/development, and solution sales, all while spearheading the development of new in-house services. In September 2019, I transitioned from my directorship at Mfro to assume the role of Director at Grune. I hold a degree in Applied Chemistry from Tokyo Metropolitan University's Graduate School of Engineering (formerly Tokyo Metropolitan University).


I have maintained contact with President Yamashita since my university days, and we have consistently exchanged information even after graduation, given our shared involvement in the same industry. During my conversations with Yamashita, I developed a deep appreciation for Grune's proactive stance in competing within cutting-edge sectors. Furthermore, I firmly believe that my extensive experience can be of value to Grune, particularly as it gears up for intensified competition. I am confident that my expertise will be an asset to Grune's endeavors.


ぼくらが理念に謳う「幸せ」は一時的なものではありません。そのため、会社・社員・お客様・協力会社・仕事に対して常に誠実でいます。その上で会社・事業・自分含め人の「成長を楽しむ姿勢」を大事にします。 Gruneは変化の激しいXRやAI、Webの業界に身を置きます。成長を楽しむ姿勢を変わらず持ち続け、プロフェッショナルで幸せなメンバーを増やし続けます。
The happiness we advocate in our philosophy extends beyond momentary gratification. As a result, we remain unwaveringly devoted to our company, employees, customers, partner companies, and our work. Additionally, we highly esteem the attitude of embracing growth exhibited by both the organization and individuals, including ourselves. Grune operates within the dynamic and ever-evolving realms of XR, AI, and Web industries. Our commitment lies in expanding our team with skilled professionals who share our passion for growth and cultivate a sense of fulfillment.


Our vision is to foster an environment at Grune that facilitates continuous growth for our employees. This growth extends beyond the acquisition of skills; we strive to create a company where individuals can develop an understanding and respect for one another within a diverse community encompassing various ethnicities and values. Our aim is to provide opportunities for personal growth, allowing individuals to evolve as human beings. We firmly believe that such growth will pave the way for the proliferation of happiness.


At Grune, we seek to collaborate with individuals who align with our philosophy. We welcome those who possess a strong desire for personal and professional growth, as well as the ability to foster trust-based relationships in their work. Mutual respect for one another's values is also a key attribute we value in our team members.


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