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 Web Developer

Mavindra Adiyasa

Web Developer

I was born in Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia. I graduated from a private university in Bali with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Prior to working at Grune, I worked as a web developer at a local web development company. I consider myself an introvert but I like to make new friends. I like to play video games and problems solving. Sometimes I feel web development is similar to playing games. I think my strong point is that I can focus on complex problems and patiently search for solutions. My hobby besides coding is playing badminton with friends. It makes me feel refreshed by doing dynamic movements. I try to do my best in my work because I think a second chance is uncertain.

Why did you choose Grune?

I was searching for a job and I saw a job vacancy from Grune. I tried to get information about the company and it was mentioned that I will work with people from overseas. I thought it would be very interesting to work in an international environment. I never work with people from overseas so I gave it a shoot to apply.

How is the Grune working atmosphere?

I think the working atmosphere is good. Grune members helped each other regardless of different task assignments. I think all members have a good personality which contributed to make a good working environment where all members can grow.

What do you think about Japanese Members?

I think Japanese members are very supportive regardless of the language barrier. Japanese members give task step by step and care about the details. I learn a lot from them.

How is the general manager?

I think the manager is a good leader. He is still young and willing to listen to our opinion. He always tries to make the working atmosphere enjoyable. I actually did not pass the initial test because the checker thought that my coding approach is a little bit strange. However, the manager invited me to the office to explain why I approach in a such way. So I feel there is no judgment, sometimes we have our own thought when approaching something. I felt the working environment is very good.

In your opinion what is the excellence of Grune?

I think the excellence of Grune is the working environment created by members. The members have good communication with each other. In the beginning, I thought it would be hard for me to adapt when I joined the company like what I experienced when working with other companies. However, it was easier for me to adapt and I enjoy the working environment.

Why did you choose the IT field for your career?

IT is interesting. There is always a new thing to learn and with this internet era and Youtube, it is easy to get the learning material. The important thing is we must have a solid foundation, it will help when we learn new things.

What kind of company would you like Grune to be in the future?

I want Grune to be a bigger company with more members. I hope the good working atmosphere can be maintained.

What is your current responsibility for Grune?

I am a web developer, and mostly I worked on the back-end implementation. I implemented features based on the given specifications for specific projects. As a member, I also help support junior members and to participate in maintaining a good working environment for others.

What is your dream job?

I want to work as a developer with supportive and professional teams. I enjoy what I am doing now and I try to do my best every moment.


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