© 2024 Grune inc.


 Project Manager

大寺 志乃Shino Otera

Project Manager

Born in Matsushima, Miyagi.
After graduating from university, she worked at a human resources training company.
She decided to change her career to become an engineer because she wanted to acquire the ability to compete in the world. She taught herself to program and joined Grune.


グローバルな環境に身を置いて、自身のIT技術を伸ばせる会社を探していたところ、Gruneを見つけました。 山下さんとお話しした際、Gruneに対する熱い思いと夢を聞いて「エンジニアとして圧倒的な成長ができるのはここしかない!」と確信し、入社を決めました。 入社するまでに、インターン生としてGruneでHTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHP、MySQLなどのプログラミング言語を猛勉強して習得しました。
When I was looking for a company where I could develop my IT skills in a global environment, I found Grune.
When I spoke with Mr. Yamashita and heard his passion and dreams for Grune, I was convinced that "this is the only place where I can achieve overwhelming growth as an engineer!" I was convinced and decided to join Grune.
Before joining Grune, I studied hard and mastered programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL at Grune as an intern.


I think Grune is a friendly and very pleasant environment to work in! All the seniors are friendly, so please listen to even the most trivial questions. Also, I am inexperienced in IT, but I can take on different tasks, I have no engineering experience, but I feel relaxed and positive about my work.


何事にもチャレンジし続ける、エネルギーの塊のような熱い方だと思います。 「やることは前提で、あとはどうやってやるかを考えて行動する」と仰っていたのがとても印象的です。これだけアクティブで行動力がある社長は他にいないと思います!
I think he is a hot person, like a blast of energy that keeps challenging everything.
It was very impressive to hear him say, "Assume what you are going to do, then think about how you are going to do it and act accordingly". I don't think there's any other president that's as active and engaged as he is!


技術面はもちろんですが、エンジニアとして世界で戦える力を身につけることが強みだと思います。 これからの未来を生き抜いていくためにはどんな力が必要か、論理的思考力を身につけるためにはどう学習したらいいかなど、メンバーのスキルを底上げする取り組みをGrune全体で行っています。 また、国籍問わず様々なバックグラウンドを持ったメンバーがいるので、多様な価値観を学んでいけるところも魅力に感じています。
In addition to the technical side, I think Grune's strength is that you can acquire the ability to compete on the world stage as an engineer.
Grune makes efforts to acquire logical thinking, such as what kind of skills are needed to survive in the future, and how to learn to logical thinking.
Also, there are members from different backgrounds regardless of nationality, so I find it attractive to be able to learn different values.


国内外問わず、Gruneに関わる全ての人にITの力で良い変化を与えられる会社にしていきたいです。 Gruneは海外支社があり、日本にとらわれない価値観、IT技術と触れ合うことができます。そこで得た考えや力を活かして良い変化を伝播させていきたいです。
I want to make Grune a company that can bring about positive changes through the power of IT for everyone involved with Grune, both in Japan and overseas.
Grune has overseas branches, so I can come into contact with IT technology and values that are not tied to Japan. I would like to use the ideas and strengths I have gained to spread positive changes.


プロジェクトマネージャーとして顧客対応、インドネシアチームと連携しながら開発業務を行なっております。 また、インターン生の学習とスケジュール調整等のサポートも行っています。 インターン生と接する上で、IT未経験だからこそできるアドバイス、論理的に考える力や課題解決力を身に付けられるようなサポートを心がけています!
As a project manager, I deal with customers and conduct development work in cooperation with the Indonesian team.
I also support the interns in their learning and schedule coordination.
I'm trying to give intern students the best advice I can because I have no IT experience and support the interns so that they can acquire the ability to think and solve problems on their own!


プロジェクトマネージャーとしてWeb開発やモバイルアプリの開発に携わってみたいです。 今はIT初心者ですが、Gruneはさまざまなことにチャレンジさせてくれます。 経験を積み重ねて一つのプロジェクトをマネジメントできる人材へと成長していきたいです。
I would like to be involved in web development and mobile app development as a project manager.
I'm currently a beginner in the IT field, but Grune challenges me in many ways.
I would like to gain experience and grow into someone who can manage a single project.


今以上の技術力を身につけて、プロジェクトマネージャーとしてメンバーの力を最大限に引き出し、バリューのある仕事ができる存在になりたいです。 日々の業務を通して、まだまだ成長できる部分を発見しています。 また、会社のメンバーに支えていただいています。 様々な経験をこれからも積み重ね、今度は私自身が支えまとめる存在として、貢献していきたいです。
I want to acquire more technical skills than I have now, and as a project manager, I want to maximize the strengths of my members and become a person who can do valuable work.
Through my daily work, I discover areas where I can grow.
I'm also supported by the members of the company.
I want to continue to gain different experiences and become a person who can support and organize others and contribute to the Grune.


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