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 Web Developer

Bagus Lingga

Web Developer

I was born in Denpasar. I have been interested in technology since childhood. When I was in school, I always took extracurriculars that used computers. Then when I was in high school, I took a programming extracurricular, and that was the beginning where I got interested more in programming. Programming is very challenging. It can make me think about the logic to be applied to an application. In the future I want to continue to improve my programming skills so that I can solve problems that exist in society. I want to implement my programing skills into an application that help people life become easier.

Why did you choose Grune?

I was looking for a job at the time, I opened a job portal and found Grune looking for employees. The requirements offered are in accordance with what my skills. I tried to find more out about Grune and I think grune can help me become an IT professional. In addition, I can work with people from overseas.

How is the Grune working atmosphere?

The workers are very friendly. On the first day, I was having a hard time because I needed to learn a programming language that I do not master with. However, they helped and answered my questions, it really helped me. The tasks given are organized so that it is easy to organize which tasks need to be done. Working in grune is also very convenient because you can work at home.

What do you think about Japanese Members?

They are very kind and disciplined. The tasks given are explained in detail so that they can be easier to understand.

How is the general manager?

The manager is very friendly and nice. When I first came to work, he always asked if I had a problem or not. He also always ensures that everything related to the project can be done by all teams.

In your opinion what is the excellence of Grune?

They want to teach and give time to learn programming languages that new member has not mastered it yet. I can work with people from various countries and can follow latest development technology used in IT industry.

Why did you choose the IT field for your career?

IT has good job prospects for the future. IT can be applied in all fields and it always growing year to year.

What kind of company would you like Grune to be in the future?

Grune to be a big IT company, having a comfortable workplace, be able to keep up with the latest technology, and be able to make employees happy.

What is your current responsibility for Grune?

I work as a full stack developer. I work on the assigned tasks, implement the given design into an application, and communicate with other members if I encounter difficulties.

What is your dream job?

A job that allows me to grow as an IT professional. A job that have a good income and life balance.


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