© 2025 Grune inc.


 Project Manager

五十嵐 大地Daichi Ikarashi

Project Manager

I was born in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture.
I majored in software informatics at a Iwate Prefectural University.. I was attracted by the Grune's culture, which allows me to work with international members and grow as a professional engineer.
After a six-month internship, I joined Grune as a new graduate in April 2023.


年齢に関係なく主体性を持ち圧倒的なスピードで成長できる、英語を使って国際チームと開発ができる環境で、"世界で戦えるプロのエンジニア"を目標に働けることに大きな魅力を感じました。 約半年間のインターン中もコーディングだけでなく、顧客とのMTGや開発マネジメントなどの多くの機会をいただけたこと、熱意を持って常に高みを目指して働く先輩社員の姿を見て、Gruneが間違いなく"成長できる環境"だと確信し入社を決意しました。
I was attracted to the fact that I could grow quickly and independently regardless of age and work with international members in English to become a "professional engineer who can compete on the world stage.
During my six-month internship, I had the opportunity not only the program, MTG with clients and managed development.
I was also able to see senior employees working with enthusiasm and always aiming high.
As a result, I was convinced that Grune is definitely an environment where I can grow, and I decided to join the company.


年齢や性別に関係なく”フレンドリー”で、個々の尊重のもと”自由”で働きやすい環境だと思います! 相談ごとに親身に対応してくれる先輩社員のもと、新卒の私でも安心して業務に取り組めます。音楽を流しながら程よくリラックスして働けるのも特徴の1つだと感じています。
I think it is a "friendly" environment regardless of age or gender, and a "free" and easy-to-work-in environment based on respect for each individual!
Thanks to senior employees who are always ready to help me, even as a new graduate, I can work without any worries. I feel that one of the features of Grune is that I can work while listening to music and relaxing to some extent.


1. 気さくに話しかけてくれたり、ランチに誘ってくれたりするとてもフレンドリーな人 2. 的確な判断を素早くできる思考力に長けた人 3. とにかくアクティブ、チャレンジ精神の塊 という印象です。 変化と競争の激しいIT業界でもGruneを導いてくれる圧倒的なリーダーでありサポーターだと思います!
I have the following impressions of him
1. A very friendly person who is willing to talk to members and invite them to lunch
2. A good thinker who can make accurate decisions quickly
3. Active and willing to take on new challenges.
I think he is an overwhelming leader and supporter who will lead Grune in the rapidly changing and competitive IT industry!


学びや気づきをアウトプットできる仲間が多く、会社としての成長性が強みだと思います。 また、Chat-GPTやAIツールなどの最新技術を素早く業務に活用し、効率化を実現できることも他社に負けない強みだと感じています。
We have many members who can output what they learn and realize, and I think our strength is our growth potential as a company.
I also feel that our ability to quickly utilize the latest technologies, such as Chat-GPT and AI tools, in our operations to improve efficiency is another strength that sets us apart from our competitors.


一緒に働く仲間やGruneに関わる全ての人がより”成長”し、より”幸せ”になれる会社にしたいです。 そのために学びや気づきのアウトプットと活用を盛んにして、会社が成長できる仕組みづくりに貢献したい。
I would like to make Grune a company where all the people we work with and everyone involved with Grune can "grow" and be "happy".
To achieve this, I would like to contribute to the creation of a system that enables the company to grow by actively outputting and utilizing what I learn and realize.


プロジェクトマネージャー(PM)として複数のプロジェクトを担当しています。 顧客対応やインドネシアチームと連携したシステム開発、運用業務を行なっています。 また、社内のAWSインフラの保守業務も少しずつ担当させてもらっています。”会社を支える人材”を目指して日々責任感を持って働いています!
As a project manager (PM), I am in charge of multiple projects.
I deal with customers and work with the Indonesian team on system development and maintenance.
Also, I'm in charge of the maintenance of the company's AWS infrastructure.
I work with a sense of responsibility every day, aiming to be a person who supports the company!


これまでの開発や保守運用で得た多くの経験を活かして、1からシステムを構築するプロジェクトを担当したいです。 顧客の要望に合わせた技術選定、保守性やセキュリティを考慮した設計、先を見越した適切なスケジュール管理など、PMとして大きく成長できる機会だと考えています。 また、顧客と協力して開発したサービスを成長させる仕事にも挑戦中です。 開発するだけでなく、より良いサービスに改善していくことで顧客とユーザーの両方を”幸せ”にできるものづくりにも注力していきます!
I would like to take charge of a project to build a system from scratch, making the most of the many experiences I have gained in development and maintenance operations.
I believe that this is a great opportunity for me to grow a lot as a PM, such as selecting technologies that meet customer requirements, designing with maintainability and security in mind, and managing schedules appropriately with foresight.
Also, I'm challenging to grow the services we have built in cooperation with our clients.
I will focus not only on development but on making both customers and end-users "happy" by improving services to make them better!


会社を成長させ、仲間から頼られるリーダーとして活躍できる人材でありたいと考えています。 そのためにマネジメント能力、業界内外の知識、英語のコミュニケーション能力を高めつつ、周りにも伝播していきたいです!
I want to be a leader who can grow the company and be relied upon by my colleagues.
To achieve this, I would like to improve my management skills, knowledge of the industry and beyond, and English communication skills, and propagate these skills to those around me!


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