© 2025 Grune inc.


 Web Director

千葉 夏純Kasumi Chiba

Web Director

Born in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. After graduating from university, I felt doubtful about following the job-seeking trends in Japan and decided to go to Australia. I moved to Grune from a completely different industry to because I wanted to work in a field that would enrich the lives of more people.


自分が成長し続けられる環境だと感じたからです。 転職活動中には複数社から話を聞きましたが、Gruneほどメンバーの成長を後押ししている会社はありませんでした。 一人ひとりがプロフェッショナルとして幸せな人になり、世界に幸せを伝播させるという理念が実際に体現されていることが入社の決め手になりました。
The reason I chose Grune is that it's possible to keep improving my skills here.
I met a number of companies when I was looking for a new job, but there was no place that was as committed to the development of its members as Grune.

The deciding factor in my decision to join Grune was that it truly embodies the philosophy that each and every one of us should become happy professionals and spread happiness around the world.


風通しがよく、意見を発しやすい雰囲気だと思います。 また、昔ながらの企業にありがちな年功序列や男女差別がなく、一人ひとりの能力と努力をしっかりと評価してもらえます。
I think Grune is not bureaucratic. In addition, there is no seniority system or gender discrimination, which is common in traditional companies, and each individual's skills and efforts are strongly valued.


とにかくエネルギッシュな方です。 ちょうど10歳年齢が離れているのですが、山下さんを見てると「自分ももっと色んなことに挑戦していこう」という気持ちになります。 また、働きやすさ向上のための「生理休暇制度」導入など、メンバーのことを考え率先して動いてくださる社長です。
He is an energetic person.
When I look at Mr Yamashita, I feel like I'm being challenged to do more and more things.
In addition, he is the president who thinks about the members and takes the initiative, such as introducing a "menstrual leave system" to make work easier.


It is a place where you can work with members who are highly motivated to grow and develop each other. Regardless of age, gender, background, etc., we have members who are highly motivated to grow and we get good stimulation every day.


I hope we can become a community where members can share their private joys and sorrows, rather than just a working relationship. We spend eight hours a day, 1,930 hours a year together. As one of the leaders, I want to continue to help create that atmosphere.


I am involved in various tasks such as web marketing, web advertising management, website analysis and copywriting. I also support other members as a director and general affairs manager.


I love food more than anything, so I'd like to develop a service that could put an end to the problems of food loss and long working hours in the catering industry!


I want to become a web director who can plan management strategies and provide consulting services to solve customer problems. To do this, I feel that I need to learn not only management and marketing skills, but also technical skills. My goal is to become a professional and a person who brings happiness to many people!


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