© 2024 Grune inc.


 Software Engineer

藁谷桃子Momoko Waragaya

Software Engineer

Born in Fukushima Prefecture. Majoured in science and engineering at university and obtained a teaching qualification. After graduating, I wanted to create things that would help people, so I worked as a programmer at an IT company for two years before joining Grune.


自分のキャリアビジョンを考えた時に、一人ひとりの"want"を尊重し、努力することを全力で応援する環境、年齢・性別・国籍等問わずメンバーそれぞれ活躍しているGruneに魅力を感じました。 限りある時間の中で自己成長する時間を大切にしたいと思いGruneに入社しました。
When I thought about my career vision, I was attracted to Grune because of the environment that respects each person's "want" and supports their efforts to the best of their ability, and because each member is active regardless of age, gender or nationality.
So, I joined Grune because I wanted to spend my limited time on personal growth.


オフィスは明るく清潔で、植物があり、コーヒーの香りと音楽を楽しみながら業務に取り組むことができます。 メンバーのみなさんは優しく、悩み事は親身になって聞いてくれます。楽しく雑談する時と作業する時でメリハリがあり、日々リラックスして過ごすことができます。
The office is bright and clean, with plants, the smell of coffee and music to enjoy while working. Everyone is kind, and they sincerely listen to any concerns. There is a balance between enjoyable conversations and focused work, making it a relaxing place to spend each day.


優しく気さくで、とてもエネルギッシュな方です。 初めてお会いした時は、メンバーのみなさんのことを楽しそうに、そして熱心にお話されている姿をみて素敵だなと感じました。
Yamashita san is kind, friendly and very energetic.
When I first met him, I thought it was wonderful to see him talking happily and enthusiastically about all the members.


ITスキル、マネジメント力はもちろんのこと、英語漬けの毎日のおかげで自然と英語を身につけることができます。 そして、インドネシアをはじめ様々な国籍のメンバーがいるからこそ日本にいながらも異文化や多様な価値観に触れる機会が多く、自己成長につながる新しい発見ができる刺激のある日々を送ることができます。 様々な分野でスピード感のある成長ができる環境です。
A diverse and fast-paced growth environment.
As well as IT and management skills, we can naturally learn English thanks to the daily English immersion.
And because there are members of various nationalities, including Indonesian, there are many opportunities to come into contact with different cultures and diverse values, even in Japan, and we can spend stimulating days where we can make new discoveries that lead to personal growth.


A company where all members are working happily with their own values and can propagate their happiness to the world and the future.


I manage projects as an engineer with advice from experienced senior members. I work daily to ensure smooth project execution in cooperation with customer service and Indonesian members.


I would like to launch a new in-house service involved in the education industry and develop a system from scratch. I would be happy if I could use the power of IT to help people and create products that propagate happiness.


As a project manager, I want to bring benefits to Grune while working closely with customers and members. As a first step towards becoming an engineer who can compete globally, I would like to acquire sufficient English language skills and travel abroad. First of all, I would like to travel to Bali and work with the Indonesian team members in the same office!


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