© 2024 Grune inc.


 Project Manager

小浜 夏美Natsumi Kohama

Project Manager

Born in Japan and raised in Brazil. Admired the profession of an engineer and got a job as an engineer two years after returning to Japan. While learning Japanese, she experienced many projects for major companies. Afterwards, she joined Grune for further development of her skills.


I was interested in the fact that there are situations where I use English in my work, and that it is an environment where international members can play an active role. In addition, I sympathized with Grune's idea of "Aiming for the world while improving skills with members", and I joined the company because I wanted to grow as an engineer in this environment.


It is an environment where you can relax and work while listening to music.


He respects the individuality of the people he works with and gives each of them opportunities to play an active role. I am a Brazilian of Japanese descent, and in the past I have experienced the difficulty of working as a foreigner/female engineer. Mr. Yamashita, who has experience working overseas, had a lot in common with me, and I was impressed by how he kindly listened to my desire to work in my own way.


成長を全面的にサポートしてくれる、頼もしくて優しい仲間に恵まれていることです。同年代の方が多いので、何かあったときに気軽に相談できる環境だと思います。また、本を読んで得た知識をアウトプットし、日頃から仲間と意見を交換し合う文化があるので、エンジニアとして大きくスキルアップできます。 Gruneではバリ拠点が存在するので、海外出張も可能です。弊社では、バリへ行く機会を与えてくれるので私自身海外出張へ行くことが叶いました。
I am blessed with reliable and kind members who fully support my growth. There are a lot of people my age, so I think it's an environment where you can feel free to talk to them if something happens. In addition, there is a culture of outputting the knowledge gained by reading books and exchanging opinions with colleagues on a daily basis, so I can greatly improve my skills as an engineer.

Grune has a base in Bali, so overseas business trips are also possible. Our company gives me the opportunity to go to Bali, so I was able to go on a business trip abroad.


メンバーの全員が自分らしく、幸せに働ける環境にしたいです。 バリ出張では、家族・仲間を大切に思う気持ち、メンバー同士で助け合う大切さ、インドネシアメンバーから学びました。お互いの文化に触れた経験を活かしつつ、Gruneをより良く、誰しもがのびのび活躍できる職場へと発展させていきたいと考えております。
I want to create an environment where all members can be themselves and work happily.
During my business trip in Bali, I would like to cherish my family and friends, that is, I would like to develop Grune while making use of my experience of helping each other.


複数のプロジェクトを担当しつつ、顧客折衝〜海外メンバーのマネジメント等、幅広い業務を担当しています。 日々学びが多く、苦戦することもありますが、日々自分自身の成長を感じています。
While in charge of multiple projects, I am in charge of a wide range of tasks such as customer negotiations and management of overseas members.
I learn a lot every day, and sometimes I struggle, but I feel myself growing every day.


今まで経験したことのないモバイルアプリやVRのプロジェクトにチャレンジしていきたいです。 また、様々なプロジェクトを携わるだけではなく、複数のプロジェクトを一人でマネジメントできるように、マネジメント力を活かす仕事に携わりたいと思っております。
I want to challenge mobile apps and VR projects that I have never experienced before.
In addition to being involved in various projects, I would like to be involved in a job that utilizes my management skills so that I can manage multiple projects by myself.


頼られるリーダー、メンバーを助けていく側として、活動していきたいと考えております。 また、国内の顧客対応のみならず海外の顧客対応をし、世界で戦えるエンジニアとして、いろんな開発事業に携わりたいと考えておりました。
I would like to work as a reliable leader and a side that helps the members.
Also, I wanted to be involved in various development projects as an engineer who can compete not only in Japan but also overseas, and who can compete in the world.


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