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取締役 Managing Director

梶屋 拓朗Takuro Kajiya

取締役 Managing Director

慶應義塾大学卒。日本GEを経て、グロービス仙台校立上げ及び運営責任者、福岡校運営責任者を歴任。代表取締役として4社(経営戦略コンサルティング、農業、畜産業、飲食業)を経営。現在もグロービス経営大学院においてリーダーシップ開発系科目、グロービス・マネジメント・スクールにおいて思考系科目の教鞭をとる。共著に 『日本型「無私」の経営力』(光文社)等がある。経営戦略立案を担当
I graduated from Keio University and gained work experience at GE Japan before assuming responsibility for establishing and operating GLOBIS Sendai School and Fukuoka School. As a representative director, I successfully managed four companies across various industries including management strategy consulting, agriculture, livestock breeding, and the restaurant business. I also remain actively involved in teaching leadership development courses at the Graduate School of Management, Globis University, as well as delivering courses on critical thinking at the Globis Management School. Additionally, I am proud to be a co-author of Nihon-gata 'selfless' no Keiei-ryoku (Japanese-style 'selfless' management skills), published by Kobunsha. Currently, I am leading the management strategy planning.


グロービス経営大学院仙台校のリーダーとしてMBA教育に携わるなか、山下さんと出会いました。 志高く世の中に価値を生み出そうとするクリアなビジョン、 その実現のために自分で考え抜き実行する力。 ウィルとスキルの両方をお持ちの方だと思います。 山下さんの故郷である福島県相馬地方には、千年以上続く「野馬追」があります。 空から舞い落ちる御神旗を目がけて何百騎という騎馬武者が全力で駆ける争奪戦。山下さんはその御神旗を掴み取った一人です。 想いを大事にしながらも責任感をもってコミットし、楽しみながら全力の思考と行動で結果を出す、 山下さんのバランスの良さを象徴していると思います。 山下さんが活力ある若者たちと共に描く志とビジョンの実現に、 寄与できればと思います。
I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Yamashita during my involvement in MBA education as the leader of the Sendai Campus at the Graduate School of Management, Globis University. Mr. Yamashita possesses a clear vision to create meaningful value for the world, along with ambitious aspirations. Notably, he exhibits the ability to think independently and execute his ideas effectively to bring his vision to fruition. I firmly believe that he possesses both the determination and the skills necessary for success. In the Soma region of Fukushima Prefecture, which is Mr. Yamashita's hometown, there is a renowned festival called Nomaoi that has persevered for over a millennium. During this festival, hundreds of mounted warriors race with great speed to capture the sacred banner as it descends from the sky. Mr. Yamashita was among those who successfully captured the banner. He symbolizes the delicate balance between cherishing one's ideas, embracing a strong sense of responsibility, and deriving enjoyment while achieving exceptional results through one's best thoughts and actions. It is my sincere desire to contribute to the realization of Mr. Yamashita's vision and ambitions alongside enthusiastic young individuals.


「良き経営は人を幸せにする、悪き経営は人を不幸せにする」 私のメンターの言葉です。自分たちの幸せを世界・未来に伝播させることを理念に掲げるGruneの、良き経営に貢献したいと思います。Gruneの若きメンバーたちが、思う存分にのびのびと、そして自分らしく個の力を発揮できるように、場づくりを行います。 Gruneは、日本だけにとどまらず世界を活躍の舞台にしています。VUCAの時代だからこそ、環境変化の受け手としてではなく「担い手」として、社会に変革をおこし、幸せを生み出せる組織となるようにコミットします。
Effective management fosters happiness among individuals, while poor management leads to discontentment. I am eager to contribute to Grune's pursuit of good management, as their philosophy aims to spread happiness to the world and future generations. I envision creating an environment where young members of Grune can confidently and freely showcase their unique strengths. In this era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), our commitment lies in transforming into an organization capable of driving social change and cultivating happiness. Rather than passively adapting to environmental changes, we aspire to be proactive agents, actively shaping and carrying the torch of positive transformation.


幸せは、座して待っていても空からは降ってきません。メンバーがプロアクティブに行動し、自ら幸せを掴み取ろうとする機運に満ちた会社を目指します。 Gruneの強みのひとつは若さと多様性です。平均年齢は30歳以下、そして素晴らしい個性に溢れています。個々の個性と生き方を、お互いに尊重し合える組織づくりに貢献します。
Happiness does not simply descend upon us if we passively wait. Our goal is to cultivate a company brimming with dynamism, where members take proactive initiatives and strive to seize their own happiness. Grune boasts the strengths of its youthful and diverse workforce. With an average age below 30, our team comprises individuals with remarkable personalities. Together, we are committed to establishing an organization that values and respects each other's individuality and way of life.


私が新卒で就職活動をしているときに先輩から頂いた言葉に、「人は人からこそ学べる」というものがあります。会社を選ぶとき、その会社の人を見なさいという教えだと解釈しました。 決して傲慢にならずに、謙虚に、お互いから学びあえる。そういう仲間でありたいと思っています。謙虚と、学びと、感謝のサイクルが回るとき、表情も生き生きとしてきます。そうした表情のあふれる仲間でありたい。 人間だれしもエネルギーの浮き沈みはあります。元気が出ないときは、プロフェッショナルとして誇り高く日々の歩みを進める仲間の姿を見て励まされる。それでもダメな時は、仲間が気持ちを温かく引き上げてくれる。そういう仲間でありたいと思っています。

During my search for employment as a new graduate, one of my seniors imparted a valuable lesson, stating, We can only learn from others. This statement resonated with me, emphasizing the significance of considering the individuals within a company when making career choices. It reminded me to approach life with humility, staying open to learning from those around me. I aspire to surround myself with individuals who embody this mindset. When we embrace a cycle of humility, continuous learning, and gratitude, our expressions and interactions become vibrant and animated. I strive to be part of a collective where such lively expressions thrive. We all experience highs and lows in our journey. During moments of personal setback, I draw inspiration from observing my colleagues who persistently carry themselves with professionalism and determination. And when I falter, it is my fellow team members who warmly uplift my spirits. In turn, I aspire to be a supportive companion to others, providing encouragement and solace when needed.


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