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 Web Developer

Yoga Pratama

Web Developer

Born in Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia), 25 years ago. Since I was in high school, I joined a programming club and I started to learn a lot of knowledge about information technology (IT). It made me develop a high interest in programming. I learn to program myself mostly and I started to join several competitive programming competitions in high school or university. I became a finalist and winner in some competitions. It made me really like programming and have basic problem-solving skills. My experience in the competition made me have strong logical thinking about various solutions in programming. After graduating from high school, I became a freelancer programmer which made me learn about basic system definition and project management. Now, I am working as a developer at Grune. I develop several interesting projects and learn various technologies with my friendly team.

Why did you choose Grune?

After I finished a project with my local client as a freelancer, I think I need more experience in programming, managing project, teamwork, etc. Then, I decided to start looking for a job available in my home town. I want to work with an international but still working in my hometown. Fortunately, I found Grune as a choice. I read the company profile and I had a great interest. In Grune, it is not only just about working and get a salary for me. However, I can develop myself at the same time because Grune makes a quick adaptation to the newest technology following the newest trend in the IT industry.

How is the Grune working atmosphere?

As a developer, I develop some projects, especially on the backend side of the web system. In Grune, I have developed challenging projects. I can find many new methods for programming during the development process. It is very interesting for me and it makes my knowledge grow rapidly. My work is helped a lot by the good documentation and good teamwork from the Indonesian team and the Japanese team. I think our team is very friendly and it is a good capital to make all kinds of projects can be finished smoothly.

What do you think about Japanese Members?

As a typical Japanese, all Japanese members are very supportive and kind. They are also willing to sacrifice time to learn English for better communication with the Indonesian team.

How is the general manager?

I think the manager is a smart and friendly person. He manages the team not as staff but as his friend. It is very good for the team because it can prevent unnecessary problems or conflicts. He manages the working pace so the team is not under pressure at work. He can manage the task and decide the priority of the task to make a team in a good working condition.

In your opinion what is the excellence of Grune?

In Grune, we can find overseas teams with many cultures. Grune also has many interesting projects so I can learn many things about IT.

Why did you choose the IT field for your career?

IT is the future. It will always a growing field because people curiosity to make something easier. For me, IT can make a dream come true. I am a dreamer and I want to make my dream or someone's dream to be realized in the future.

What kind of company would you like Grune to be in the future?

I hope Grune will have many projects not only from the client but also can make innovation with an original idea. Grune will have an innovative way of project management, problem-solving, and many other working cultures to make the team always in a good working environment. As a developer, I hope Grune will grow with many overseas offices (teams) worldwide and have its own innovative project will be delivered to the world.

What is your current responsibility for Grune?

As I mentioned above, I am working as a web developer. I handled several projects from Japan. The manager sometimes also asked me to help train the new member.

What is your dream job?

My dream job is to become a part of an innovative IT project in the world.


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